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Roofing is considered one of the most important finishes in your house. Selecting a good roof is thus paramount to ensuring that your home has that personalized feel and look. There are tens or even hundreds of different roofing styles, materials, colors, and strengths or durability to choose from. Here is a complete guide to help you select the best roof.

The roofing material

Most conventional roofing material available today comprises asphalt shingles. This roofing material comes in a variety of different styles that you can choose from. Some typical examples of roofing shingles include wood, plastic, slate, and a combination of other materials. Selecting the right roofing material can help you have that unique house finish you desire. Also, the different roofing materials possess different qualities in terms of durability and resistance to damage in summer and winter conditions.

The roofing style

Just like roofing materials, roofing styles vary widely. When choosing a new roof for your house, one of the most important aspects is the style to go for. You may choose the standard roofing styles that are more common and generally cheaper. The roofing styles you may select from are basically as varied as the different roofing approaches and contractors. It is advisable to work with your roofing contractor to select the best style that meets your budget and taste.

Roofing color

Believe it or not, roofing color is another factor you need to consider. Generally, roofing color has to do with the color of the roofing shingles or material that you use. Whereas you can choose to go for the conventional roofing colors available, you can also work with the roofing manufacturer for something customized. Some of the most common roofing colors available include green, grey, copper, and related color shades.

The durability of the roof

Just as the above three factors, the durability of your roof is equally important. Your roof will be exposed to the elements, including high winds and repetitive heating and cooling in summer and winter. Choosing the highest quality and durable material to use for your roof will save you the costs associated with repairing your damaged roof. You may also want to look at your local state roofing standards and requirements to ensure that you meet and exceed them.