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Time management skills and competencies are essential across the board in all professions. Whether in an individual or a business, time is that one resource that should be utilized competently. Consultants, in particular, need to be highly competent in using their time if they are to achieve the objective of self-development and serving clients competently. Here are some tips that can help every consultant to become competent in time management.


Leveraging teamwork

Consultancy can be a highly demanding responsibility, which can be managed through teamwork. Working as a team helps to subdivide large tasks into smaller duties that can then be allocated to individual team members. Teamwork in consultancy also helps bring about competency and increases the likelihood of timely completion of tasks.


Using productivity tools

In the consultancy profession, productivity is highly essential in promoting goal attainment. Using various productivity tools available free of charge across the web helps achieve even the most complex of tasks. Tools, such as Evernote and Trello, are designed to help the consultant break down large complex tasks into smaller ones for ease of management.


Avoiding distractions

Distractions are a major setback to professional development in consultancy. Avoiding small sideshows, such as friends, social media, or even television, that draw you away from the task at hand can help keep you focused. Some distractions can be avoided by proper time management, which ensures that your day is categorized into various sessions, including time to work and time to relax and socialize.



Your time management skills will generally determine how productive you will be for the long term. As a professional consultant, it is advisable to undertake regular time audits, which allow you to evaluate your performance based on several factors, including areas that you usually waste time on. Time audits are also helpful in helping you to identify times of the day where your productivity is optimum and which you need to capitalize on for improved performance.


Using technology

In addition to the productivity tools outlined above, there are many other technological tools that may help improve your time management skills. Technological platforms, such as teleconferencing, can help save the time that you could have otherwise commuted to conduct a physical face-to-face meeting. In addition, organizing your inbox well helps ensure that you only receive the most important emails that need your urgent attention.